Based in the north east of England, WrightWay digital is a small but forward thinking digital media agency.
We provide companies of all sizes, with the resources needed to expand and lead in the online marketplace
0845 490 2321 / +44 (0)1642 847463


IMPORTANT: Please read this End-User License Agreement (the “Agreement”) carefully before clicking the “I AGREE” button, downloading, or using the software product (the “Software”). By clicking the “I AGREE” button, downloading, or using the Software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not click on the “I AGREE” button and do not download or use the Software.
This Agreement is an agreement between you, the legal or natural person who is being licensed to use the Software (the “Customer”), and WrightWay Digital Ltd, a company registered under the laws of England and Wales (CID: 7871638). The Agreement applies to all Magento and Adobe Commerce extensions, integrations and services you obtain from WrightWay Digital Ltd.

“Software” means the Magento and Adobe Commerce extensions and integrations licensed to the Customer by WrightWay Digital Ltd, including related documentation and updates.
“Customer” means the individual or entity that has acquired the Software.
“License Fee” means the one-time fee paid by the Customer for the License.
“Subscription Fee” means the periodic fee paid by the Customer for the right to use the Software and receive related support services during the Subscription period.
“Enhanced Support & Custom Development Fee” means the additional fee for enhanced support and custom development services.
“Confidential Information” means any information provided by WrightWay Digital Ltd that is marked or designated as confidential.
“Data Controller” means the entity that determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.
“Data Processor” means the entity that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.
“Data Subject” means an identified or identifiable natural person to whom Personal Data relates.
“Personal Data” means any information relating to a Data Subject.
“Processing” means any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data, whether or not by automated means.

License. WrightWay Digital Ltd hereby grants to the Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the Software without the rights to sublicense and as further stipulated under this Agreement (the “License”). Software is provided as of the version that is available at the moment of purchase. The Customer shall be entitled only to those rights with respect to the Software that are expressly granted under this Agreement.
1. Number of Installations
The Agreement entitles the Customer to use a single copy of the Software on a single production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation, solely for personal or business use. A separate software license must be obtained for each production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation.
2. Pre-conditions
The License rights shall take effect after (i) the License Fee and/or Subscription Fee, if the Software is provided on a subscription model, is received by WrightWay Digital Ltd and the respective Software is downloaded, but (ii) in case of free products (including during any free trial period, but only during such free trial subject to its conditions) – after the respective Software is downloaded. By receiving and opening the file package and/or using any Software product produced, licensed, or sold by WrightWay Digital Ltd, the Customer agrees that this Agreement is a legally binding and valid contract and agrees to be bound by it. The Customer agrees to abide by the applicable intellectual property and other relevant laws and all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
3. Restrictions
One copy of the Software created or transferred pursuant to this Agreement is licensed, not sold, and the Customer receives no title to or ownership of any copy or of the Software itself. Furthermore, the Customer receives no rights to the Software other than those specifically granted in Clause II above. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Customer shall not:
1. modify or create derivative works from the Software, except where it is done for personal use or business needs only and in respect of a single production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation;
2. distribute or sublicense the Software;
3. use the Software (or any part thereof) for service bureau, time-sharing, hosting, or like purposes or in any other way allow third parties to exploit the Software (this paragraph shall not restrict the rights of the Customer to allow its customers to use the Software as part of the end product delivered by the Customer to its customers and where it is needed to access or use the end-product delivered by the Customer to its customers);
4. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive any of the Software’s source code, except where it is done for personal use or business needs only and in respect of a single production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation;
5. place the Software in whole or partially on a server so that its source code (except stylesheet (css/less), Javascript, and images) is accessible for viewing, copying, or downloading via a public network such as the Internet, including, to place the Software in publicly accessible repositories (e.g., free Github account);
6. assign, sell, sublicense, rent, lease, or distribute the Software (or any portion thereof) in any other way to any third parties;
7. modify, make error correction, translate, or create derivative works from the Software, incorporate the Software (or any portion thereof) into or with other software, always subject to additional License and License Fee for each production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation;
8. remove any Software identification, proprietary, copyright, or other notices contained in the Software;
9. install the same copy of the Software on more than one production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation;
10. sell or otherwise alienate any device on which the software is installed or stored as backup before deleting all copies of the Software;
11. use the Software on a Magento or Adobe Commerce edition other than it was specified during purchase.
4. Exceptions
The following exceptions to the restrictions listed above shall apply:
1. the Customer shall be entitled to add the Software and work with it via the Customer’s version control system (SVN, GIT, or similar), except if it provides public access to the source code of the Software, other than stylesheet (css/less), Javascript, and images;
2. several copies of Magento or Adobe Commerce installed on a respective number of different web servers, which are combined into a single load-balanced environment is considered to be a single installation;
3. in addition to a single production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation, the Agreement allows installing the Software on a development and/or staging Magento or Adobe Commerce environment.

Fees. The Customer shall pay to WrightWay Digital Ltd depending on the intended use of Software and Services:
1. the License Fee – a one-time payment (fee) for the License as described above. The License does not include the provision of any maintenance and support services, and other services indicated on the website WrightWay Digital Ltd.com or agreed between the parties, including any Upgrades to the Software (the “Services”). The Customer has access to the Services for the period of 30 days after the payment for the License or start of the Free Trial Period (if applicable) at no additional cost.
2. the “Subscription Fee” – a periodic payment for the License to Software and for the use of Services during the Subscription period; the Subscription Fee includes support services during the Subscription period. The end of the Subscription period terminates the right to use the Software (License) and the provision of any Services (including upgrades).
3. the “Enhanced Support & Custom Development Fee” – an additional fee for enhanced support and custom development services beyond the standard support included with the Subscription Fee. The terms and scope of these services will be agreed upon between the Customer and WrightWay Digital Ltd and will be subject to a separate agreement or addendum to this Agreement.
1. Payments
The License Fee shall be paid prior to the Software being downloaded. When the Software is provided on a subscription model, payment for the first subscription period shall be made prior to the Software being downloaded. Payments for any subsequent subscription periods, as indicated in respect to each license at WrightWay Digital Ltd.com, shall be made not later than on the last day of every subscription period. WrightWay Digital Ltd is entitled to grant a grace period of 15 (fifteen) days on payment of the Subscription Fee in case the Customer fails to make a timely payment. Such grace period cannot be provided for the payment for the first subscription period.
Payments for Enhanced Support & Custom Development services shall be made according to the terms agreed upon in the separate agreement or addendum mentioned above. Any other payment by the Customer pursuant to this Agreement shall be due within 30 (thirty) days after the date of the respective invoice (including any penalties or payment of additional License Fee/Subscription Fee in case the Software is used for more than one production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation in breach of this Agreement).

The Software contains proprietary copyrighted material. It is prohibited for the Customer to create any derivative works or other works that are based upon or derived from the Software in whole or any part of it for commercial or non-commercial distribution purposes, without written permission from WrightWay Digital Ltd. WrightWay Digital Ltd retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Software, related documentation, and upgrades. All rights not expressly granted by this Agreement are reserved for WrightWay Digital Ltd. The Customer recognizes that the Software and its components are protected by copyright and other laws.

Confidential Information. The Software and related documentation (including user manuals etc.) as well as any other information provided by WrightWay Digital Ltd and marked or designated as ‘confidential’ constitutes confidential proprietary information of WrightWay Digital Ltd (the “Confidential Information”). The Customer shall not be entitled to disclose, provide or otherwise make available such confidential information in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of WrightWay Digital Ltd, unless otherwise required under the applicable laws by the relevant authorities. The Customer shall protect the Confidential Information with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information of similar nature and importance, but with no less than reasonable care.
1. Exceptions
The Confidential Information does not include information that (i) becomes known publicly, before or after disclosure, other than as a result of the Customer’s improper action or inaction; or (ii) is approved for release in writing by WrightWay Digital Ltd.
2. Injunction
The Customer agrees that breach of Clause V would cause WrightWay Digital Ltd irreparable injury, for which monetary damages would not provide adequate compensation, and that in addition to any other remedy, WrightWay Digital Ltd will be entitled to injunctive relief against such breach or threatened breach, without proving actual damage or posting a bond or other security.
3. Termination & Return
With respect to each item of the Confidential Information, the obligations of this Clause V will terminate 10 (ten) years after the date of disclosure. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Customer shall return all copies of the Confidential Information to WrightWay Digital Ltd or certify, in writing, the destruction thereof.
4. Retention of Rights
This Agreement does not transfer ownership of the Confidential Information or grant a license thereto. WrightWay Digital Ltd will retain all right, title, and interest in and to all Confidential Information.

Limited Warranty. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Software is provided to the Customer “AS IS” without any warranty, either express or implied, that the Software usage will be uninterrupted and that all errors have been or can be eliminated from the Software or in respect of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The sole liability of WrightWay Digital Ltd (and the exclusive remedy of the Customer) for any breach of this warranty shall be, at the sole discretion of WrightWay Digital Ltd, to use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Customer with an error correction or workaround which corrects the reported nonconformity, to provide the Software upgrades with corrected errors for the upcoming Software release or service pack (“Upgrades”) or if WrightWay Digital Ltd determines such remedies to be impracticable within a reasonable period of time, to terminate the Agreement and refund the License Fee and/or Subscription Fee for the last subscription period. The above warranty specifically excludes defects resulting from accident, abuse, unauthorized repair, modifications or enhancements, or misapplication. Upgrades (as described above) shall be provided only to Customers that have paid the License Fee within 30 days after the payment, or within the Free Trial Period (if applicable), or during the provision of Services, or during the Subscription Period, at no additional cost. The Customer agrees to promptly install Upgrades as requested by WrightWay Digital Ltd; if the Customer fails to do so, WrightWay Digital Ltd shall be released from any warranty or liability which can be attributed to the failure to install Upgrades.
1. Warranty Exceptions
The limited warranty provided under Clause VI shall not apply (and WrightWay Digital Ltd shall have no liability) to warranty claims arising out of or relating to:
1. a modification of the Software made by anyone other than WrightWay Digital Ltd;
2. use of the Software in combination with any operating system not authorized in the respective specifications or other documentation or with hardware or software specifically forbidden by the respective specifications or other documentation;
3. defects in the Software due to accident, abuse or improper use by the Customer;
4. the Software provided on a no charge or non-commercial trial use basis, if any;
5. the Software being incompatible with the Customer’s other hardware or software etc.

In no event (including, without limitation, in the event of negligence) will WrightWay Digital Ltd, its employees, agents, or distributors be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of use, business interruption, loss of information or data, or pecuniary loss), in connection with or arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Software or the use or inability to use the Software or the furnishing, performance, or use of any other matters hereunder whether based upon contract, tort or any other theory including negligence. WrightWay Digital Ltd shall not be liable for any prosecution arising from the use of the Software against law or for any illegal use.
The aggregate liability of WrightWay Digital Ltd under or in relation to this Agreement, without exceptions, is limited to the amount paid by the Customer to WrightWay Digital Ltd under this Agreement in respect of the respective Software. If Software is provided on a subscription model, the aggregate liability of WrightWay Digital Ltd under or in relation to this Agreement, without exceptions, is limited to the amount paid by the Customer to WrightWay Digital Ltd under this Agreement for the last 6 months of subscription, but in any event cannot exceed GBP 1,000.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, the liabilities limited by this Clause VII inter alia apply: (a) to liability for negligence; (b) regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, strict product liability, or otherwise; (c) even if WrightWay Digital Ltd is advised in advance of the possibility of the damages in question and even if such damages were foreseeable; and (d) even if the Customer’s remedies fail of their essential purpose. If applicable law limits the application of the provisions of this Clause VII, the liability of WrightWay Digital Ltd will be limited to the maximum extent permissible. For the avoidance of doubt, the liability limits and other rights set forth in this Clause VII apply likewise to affiliates, licensors, suppliers, advertisers, agents, sponsors, directors, officers, employees, consultants, and other representatives of WrightWay Digital Ltd.

1. The Software may rely on third-party services, including but not limited to API connections, for its functionality. These third-party services are outside the control of WrightWay Digital Ltd.
2. WrightWay Digital Ltd does not warrant or guarantee the availability, reliability, or performance of any third-party services and shall not be liable for any issues arising from the use of such services.
3. The Customer acknowledges that the use of third-party services is subject to the terms and conditions of those third parties, and WrightWay Digital Ltd shall not be responsible for any breaches of those terms and conditions by the Customer or the third parties.
4. In the event that a third-party service becomes unavailable, WrightWay Digital Ltd will make commercially reasonable efforts to find a suitable alternative or workaround but does not guarantee that such an alternative will be available or viable.

The information on the collection and processing of Customer’s personal data is provided in WrightWay Digital Ltd’s Privacy Policy. The Customer must read the Privacy Policy before downloading and using the Software. If you do not agree with the terms of the Privacy Policy, do not download or use the Software.
The Customer is informed that WrightWay Digital Ltd is entitled to use Customer’s personal data as part of the product support services provided to the Customer which are necessary for the proper performance of this Agreement, if any, related to the Software. WrightWay Digital Ltd may also use this information to provide notices related to the Software to the Customer which, in the sole opinion of WrightWay Digital Ltd, may be of use or interest to the Customer.
The Customer hereby grants WrightWay Digital Ltd a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license to use any Feedback the Customer communicates to WrightWay Digital Ltd, without compensation, without any obligation to report on such use, and without any other restriction. The rights of WrightWay Digital Ltd granted under this Clause IX include, without limitation, the right to exploit the Feedback in any and every way, as well as the right to grant sublicenses. No Feedback shall be considered as the Customer’s confidential information. The “Feedback” refers to any suggestion or idea for modifying any of the products or services of WrightWay Digital Ltd, including without limitation all intellectual property rights in any such suggestion or idea, except the Customer’s personal data.
1. Data Gathered During Technical Support
1. WrightWay Digital Ltd does not collect any information and Customer’s personal data which may be present on a particular store, including but not limited to personal or financial information, except for information directly related to the Customer’s inquiries, namely: particular orders, clients, files, information about a server and store configuration, etc.
2. WrightWay Digital Ltd may collect information (excluding collection of customer’s personal data) about the overall quantity of customers, orders, products in a particular store, if it is related to the Customer’s inquiry.
3. The data gathered during technical support is used for: (i) enhancement of technical support of a particular Customer in case of future inquiries or other Customers who have encountered a similar issue; (ii) analysis of technical problems aimed at improvement of the quality of the products by WrightWay Digital Ltd.
WrightWay Digital Ltd shall protect the information gathered from clients with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information of similar nature and importance, but with no less than reasonable care.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, WrightWay Digital Ltd retains the right to collect and use at their own discretion, taking into account the requirements of applicable data protection requirements, any and all information obtained from the Customer or gathered on Customer’s website or server in case of a doubt or evidence that one or more clauses of this Agreement have been breached.

As long as the Software is used by the Customer, WrightWay Digital Ltd shall be entitled to monitor the Customer’s technical use of the Software (excluding Customer’s personal data), if there are reasonable suspicions that the Customer may use the Software contrary to the provisions of this Agreement.
If WrightWay Digital Ltd discovers unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or other exploitation of the Software, the Customer shall:
1. License Fee Payment: Pay to WrightWay Digital Ltd the License Fee for each such unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or other exploitation of the Software contrary to this Agreement (for instance, if the Software is installed on more than one production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation, then the License Fee shall be paid for each such additional installation), and/or
**Subscription Fee Payment:** Pay to WrightWay Digital Ltd three months’ Subscription Fee, if the Software is provided on a subscription model, for each such unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or other exploitation of the Software contrary to this Agreement (for instance, if the Software is installed on more than one production Magento or Adobe Commerce installation or used by the Customer without payment of the Subscription Fee, then three months’ Subscription Fee shall be paid for each such additional installation or use), and 3. Contractual Penalty: Pay a contractual penalty in the amount of GBP 1,000 for each breach for each such unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or other exploitation of the Software contrary to this Agreement, and in case the Software is provided on a subscription model – a contractual penalty in the amount of GBP 1,300, and 4. Indemnification: Indemnify and hold harmless WrightWay Digital Ltd against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by the Customer.

1. WrightWay Digital Ltd may, from time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealing with matters that may include, but are not limited to, payment processing, delivery of purchased items, search engine facilities, advertising, and marketing. The providers of such services have access to certain personal Data provided by Users of this Website and Software.
2. Any Data used by such parties is used only to the extent required by them to perform the services that WrightWay Digital Ltd requests. Any use for other purposes is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, any Data that is processed by third parties shall be processed within the terms of this Policy and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This Website and Software may, from time to time, provide links to other websites. WrightWay Digital Ltd has no control over such websites and is in no way responsible for the content thereof. This Agreement does not extend to your use of such websites. Users are advised to read the privacy policy or statement of other websites prior to using them.

1. WrightWay Digital Ltd may, from time to time, expand or reduce our business and this may involve the sale and/or the transfer of control of all or part of WrightWay Digital Ltd. Data provided by Users will, where it is relevant to any part of our business so transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, under the terms of this Agreement, be permitted to use the Data for the purposes for which it was originally supplied to us.

1. Data Processor Role: As a Data Processor, WrightWay Digital Ltd may be processing data on behalf of your company, the Data Controller. Depending on the nature of the services provided by us, and/or the integration option chosen, your company will provide us with private data related to data subjects.
2. Designation and Purpose: While your own internal review related to GDPR policy is likely necessary to determine your obligations, it’s recommended that you name WrightWay Digital Ltd as a data processor for this information and state the purpose for using our services.
3. Transparency: Where we will be contacting data subjects on behalf of your company, and/or processing any private data related to the data subjects, it may be necessary that WrightWay Digital Ltd is explicitly named as a data processor for this purpose in any consent obtained from your customers. We recommend being as open and transparent as possible regarding the purpose and the nature of the services being used, as well as the data being processed.
4. Data Subject Access Requests: Under the GDPR, your company will be required to comply with any requests for personal information from your customers, known as a data subject access request. We intend to meet compliance in this regard and give access to any relevant information required for your company to comply with such a request in relation to the data which has been processed by us. Please contact us for any further information or assistance with such a request.

1. Data Processing Addendum: To the extent that WrightWay Digital Ltd processes any personal data on behalf of the Customer as a processor in the course of providing the Software, the terms of the Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”), which are hereby incorporated by reference, shall apply and the parties agree to comply with such terms. The DPA sets out the parties’ obligations with respect to data protection and security, including obligations pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
2. Customer Data: The Customer agrees that WrightWay Digital Ltd may process Customer data as described in the Privacy Policy and the DPA. WrightWay Digital Ltd will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect Customer data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.
3. Rights of Data Subjects: WrightWay Digital Ltd shall assist the Customer, to the extent possible, in responding to data subjects’ requests to exercise their rights under the GDPR, including but not limited to the right to access, correct, or delete personal data, and the right to data portability.
4. Data Breach Notification: WrightWay Digital Ltd will notify the Customer without undue delay upon becoming aware of any breach of Customer data. Such notification will include, at a minimum, the nature of the breach, the categories and approximate number of data subjects concerned, the likely consequences of the breach, and the measures taken or proposed to address the breach.
5. Subprocessors: The Customer acknowledges and agrees that WrightWay Digital Ltd may engage third-party subprocessors in connection with the provision of the Software. WrightWay Digital Ltd will enter into a written agreement with each subprocessor imposing data protection obligations substantially similar to those set out in this Agreement and the DPA.
6. Data Protection Officer (DPO): If required by applicable law, WrightWay Digital Ltd shall appoint a Data Protection Officer. The DPO’s contact details will be provided to the Customer upon request.
7. Data Transfer: WrightWay Digital Ltd will not transfer Customer data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless such transfer complies with the GDPR. Where such transfers occur, WrightWay Digital Ltd will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place, such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or other legal transfer mechanisms.
8. Audit Rights: Upon the Customer’s written request, WrightWay Digital Ltd shall provide the Customer with reasonable cooperation and assistance needed to fulfill the Customer’s obligation under the GDPR to conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) related to the Customer’s use of the Software, to the extent that the Customer does not otherwise have access to the relevant information, and to the extent such information is available to WrightWay Digital Ltd. WrightWay Digital Ltd shall provide relevant information in its possession to help the Customer conduct the DPIA.
9. Accountability: WrightWay Digital Ltd shall maintain records of all categories of processing activities carried out on behalf of the Customer, as required by the GDPR, and shall make such records available to the Customer or relevant supervisory authorities upon request.

1. Notices: Notices to the Customer pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the addresses indicated by the Customer when purchasing the Software, to the registered addresses, or to such others as the Customer may provide in writing. Notices to WrightWay Digital Ltd pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the addresses indicated by WrightWay Digital Ltd on the website WrightWay Digital Ltd.com, to the registered addresses, or to such others as either party may provide in writing. Such notices will be deemed received at such addresses upon the earlier of (a) actual receipt or (b) delivery in person, by email with confirmation of receipt, or by certified mail return receipt requested. WrightWay Digital Ltd reserves the right to send notices following the Customer purchasing the Software and any other critical updates related to Software use.
2. Force Majeure: No delay, failure, or default, other than a failure to pay fees when due, will constitute a breach of this Agreement to the extent caused by acts of war, terrorism, hurricanes, earthquakes, other acts of God or of nature, strikes or other labor disputes, riots or other acts of civil disorder, embargoes, or other causes beyond the performing party’s reasonable control.
3. Assignment: The Customer may not assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the express written consent of WrightWay Digital Ltd. Except to the extent forbidden in this Clause XVI(3), this Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties’ respective successors and assigns.
4. Severability: To the extent permitted by the applicable laws, the parties hereby waive any provision of law that would render any clause of this Agreement invalid or otherwise unenforceable in any respect. In the event that a provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision will be interpreted to fulfill its intended purpose to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.
5. No Waiver: Neither party will be deemed to have waived any of its rights under this Agreement by lapse of time or by any statement or representation other than by an authorized representative in an explicit written waiver. No waiver of a breach of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of any other breach of this Agreement.
6. Entire Agreement: This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous writings, negotiations, and discussions with respect to its subject matter. Neither party has relied upon any such prior or contemporaneous communications.
7. Survival: The provisions of this Agreement regarding confidentiality, warranties, liability limitations, and governing law shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
The parties shall resolve all disputes related to this Agreement by way of negotiations. In case any dispute is not resolved within 30 (thirty) days as of the initial notice, such dispute of any nature that may arise in relation to this Agreement shall be finally resolved by the courts of England and Wales.
Continued use of the products by WrightWay Digital Ltd constitutes your agreement to the contractual terms. Should you have any questions about the EULA, contact us.